DMK Enzyme Treatments /Acne Treatments

Imagine looking down through the top of the skin, think of the inside of the skin like a factory, the product that factory produces is the skin you see on the surface. DMKs signature Enzyme Therapy treatments works to revise the skin to be functioning like a young healthy skin would.

Over 40 years has been spent perfecting DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy treatments, utilizing the beneficial effects of transfer messenger enzymes. It encourages blood circulation, oxygenation and the lymphatic drainage system while simultaneously, through reverse osmosis, helping to flush away toxins and free radicals as well as stimulating collagen production. Formulated to be the basis of all DMK Skin Revision treatments to enhance optimal skin function, Enzyme Therapy works to create long-lasting results.




Desquaplex Pigmentation

Designed for darker toned skin, and passive and inflammatory pigmentation.

Works to brighten hyperpigmented skin conditions such as melasma, passive and inflammatory pigmentation as well as uneven darker toned skin.

our skin can be genetically predisposed to hyperpigmentation making it more likely to suffer from conditions such as melasma, pigmented scarring and age spots. This means some pigmentation treatments such as peels are likely to accentuate or even cause pigmentation rather than removing it. Desquaplex is a milder treatment ideal for skins predisposed to hyperpigmentation and for darker skin tones as it works to not just lift away the unwanted pigment but also works to prevent pigmentation in the future. 200.00. Discount with purchase of 3 or more.


DMK Muscle Banding

Designed to lift and firm the skin.

It restores optimal skin function, stimulating collagen and elastin and strengthening the skin structures to prevent signs of aging.

Aging is a result of the decline in skin functioning. DMK Muscle Banding is a technique used to lift, tone, and tighten the skin. It works by causing the muscles to contract, reinvigoration circulation, increasing amino acids, and restoring optimal function. It rebuilds a stronger healthier better functioning skin, stimulating collagen and elastin and strengthens the matrix, giving skin back its bounce. Even before signs of aging become apparent this treatment works to prevent the decline in the functioning of your skin that causes aging. Whether you want to maintain or regain a tight youthful appearance, DMK Muscle Banding is like the army that comes in and stops the decline that causes skin to age. 255.00. Discount with purchase of 3 or more.



Encouraging a healthy glow while revising uneven skin tone.

We all want an even glowing complexion, but those stubborn pigmentation, sun damage, brown spots and uneven colour can seem impossible to revise, but not with this advanced pigmentation focused treatment. From the outside in, MelanoZone works to revise the cause and effect of uneven skin tone and hyper-pigmentation to restore a natural, even, healthy glow. 200.00 Discount with purchase of 3 or more.



An acne treatment created to help flush and eradicate deep congestion and revise redness, through increasing the oxygenation of the skin.

Designed to strengthen fragile capillaries and increase oxygenation of the skin, Eliminare encourages the skin to function optimally and in turn push up and out deep congestion. It also works to reduce the redness associated with vascular scarring, reactive or dehydrated skin, and vascular matting.